السبت، 12 أبريل 2008

Big Profits In Any Market
Markets have become very volatile lately, but your profits should be growing regardless of conditions!
In fact, Market Forecast users look forward to changes, because each move actually provides new opportunities for even larger profits. Investors with 401K's or IRA's can easily enjoy 30%+ returns simply by moving between high growth funds during signaled bull trends, and cash when our Market Forecast indicates that markets are ready to retreat.
Outside of retirement accounts, profits can compound even faster as users multiply their profits by playing each side of the market, long and short!
How It Works
Every trading day, Market Forecast users log in before markets open, to see where both the Dow and Nasdaq are predictively headed. Not just it terms of direction, but how strong the move is likely to become, and how long the move should last.
Instead of asking themselves "I wonder where markets are going?", our users know what to expect because the Forecast and daily commentary explains it all to them ahead of time! And, as you will see from the many testimonials we receive, the accuracy and power of that kind of information can make a huge difference in the earning potential in your own portfolio too.
You will quickly come to see how markets move in some very natural, predictive rhythms where big money institutional traders, buy and sell like clockwork. As you watch markets through the lens of our Market Forecasts, you'll be able to position your portfolio to profit from each and every upcoming move they'll make.
Avoid Losing
Let's face it, everyone who has ever seriously invested understands that where markets go, so go their profits. No doubt, you've personally seen how market declines can quickly drain profits from your accounts. A look back to 2000-2002 is about all most investors need to remind them how broader markets can dramatically change their personal financial future.
When that catastrophic decline finally bottomed in October of 2002, markets began another multi-year bull run. But how long do you think it took many investors, all those who got clobbered in the previous two years, to find the courage jump back in? How about a couple more years sitting on the sidelines watching! That was really too bad, because 2003 through 2007 were some incredibly profitable years in the market, especially for Market Forecast users.
Though we may not witness the same catastrophic declines of the 2001 bear market, do underestimate what can happen to your portfolio with even a normal 20-30% re-tracement. A full blow recession could make matters worse, but regardless, 2008 with its presidential elections will certainly be year of transition. And while we may end up playing quite a bit of it to the downside, users at The Market Forecast are going to be banking some BIG PROFITS no matter the direction.
Institutional Trading
Conditions are much different from those of a decade ago. In the roaring 90's, you could pick almost any stock and watch it go up for what seemed like forever. But forever ended in 2001. Since then, even good solid stocks have become subject to more wild, short term swings, triggered by broader market undulations.Blame it on the broad based, computerized, institutional or hedge fund trading, where computers buy or short huge volumes of stock executed in a matter of seconds. And while they control 70% of the daily market volume, their size is actually their liability...
Fund managers simply can't push a button and move the millions of shares without imbalancing the markets against themselves. In order to change positions, they must try to allocate their trades over days and sometimes weeks of time.
But their imbalance issue becomes our trading advantage. Imagine, what it would be like to know what institutional traders were about to do, and how long it would take them to do it? Imagine how, with that foreknowledge, you could position yourself to profit just ahead of all their volume!
An impossibility? Not at all! The Market Forecast came into existence, designed to accomplish just that, providing trading signals which anticipate, rather than explain in hindsight, key turning points in market action.
Our behind the scenes software can literally predict market activity each day (and over the next several weeks) based on data you won't see elsewhere. It uncovers the minor and major cyclical trading patterns, from a host of market data, to show you where big money is going to move, and how long it will take getting there!
You've had a glimpse of the institutional trading strategy already. Look back on your price charts an take note of how most rallies fail to make new highs - above previous highs - during bear markets. Those rallies fail because institutional traders use each successive rally to sell into that strength at better prices. Alternatively, those same traders do their buying during market "dips" when slightly lower prices occur during longer term rising trends.
Sounds like a pretty simple strategy to follow doesn't it?
It should be, but it is exactly opposite of how most investors end up trading. You see, most investors tend to take on positions once they "feel" comfortable with the idea that markets (or their stock) are going to keep rising. Unfortunately, they enter just about the time big money is getting ready sell. To compound the problem, investors end up selling when they fear markets are going to keep falling. That's usually about the time institutional traders are getting ready to buy.
Why else would investors keep complaining, "How come stocks always seem to go down whenever I get in?". It's a problem of human nature generally. We want to be sure. We want as close to a guaranteed win as possible. The need is so powerful in fact, you'd have to almost be psychopathic to trade against it. It's also the reason why big money traders make the big money- not because they're crazy, but because they have so many "want to be sure's" waiting to take the losing side of instituional winning trades!
The Market Forecast won't make you psychopathic, but it can definitely help you turn off the natural instinct to trade at the wrong time. And with that, allow you to trade buy when things look ugly, and sell when things look good. In other words, trade into institutional flow instead of being swept away by it.
Ensuring your success every day.
Each morning, before markets open, you will have two powerful Forecast graphs showing you where markets are headed and how long their move should take. You'll read a simple but precise "what to do now" commentary by its creator and author, Stephen Swanson.
In just 5 minutes, you'll know more about what to do in the markets and with your portfolio, than you ever thought possible.
You'll see when its time to lock in profits on long or short positions, when its time to wait, and when its time to change positions.

Most investors have learned the hard way about the terrible risk of having money in the market at the wrong time. But once they start using The Market Forecast, they quickly discover how wonderfully profitable it can be to have money at work when the time is RIGHT!
That's why they tell us The Market Forecast has brought them more success in the markets than anything else they've ever tried!
"I've been a subscriber for about a year now-- thank you SO MUCH! I've told everyone about you. I call you my crystal ball! "Thanks for the service,Chris W.Canada

Hello Mr. Swanson,
My account has gone from 75k to over 300K based on information from this site. I am relatively new to your forecast tool, but am very impressed and will be using it from here on.
D. Malhotra.NYC

In my view, the Market Forecast is the best investment tool available. Without a doubt one of the best parts of the Market Forecast is Stephen's regular commentary which helps me understand how to use this fantastic tool in all kinds of markets.
RajUnited Kingdom
See Market Moves in Advance
Here's an example of some empathic coaching users received in Steve Swanson's Market Forecast Commentary just prior to the April - June 2005 rally:
March 22, 2005: Let's see, oil prices are at all time highs, the Fed is continuing to raise rates, the buck is beleaguered, federal budget deficits are soaring....it all sounds bearish, doesn't it? Well, it is, and such economic uncertainty should be expected during an intermediate (cycle) decline. But about the time when everything begins to sound most bleak, the intermediate cycle will bottom and markets will begin to rally... try not to get caught in the negative psychological rut this downside creates for many investors. Because in the not too distant future, it will all turn back up.April 18, 2005: You can see on the Forecast charts below, how a cluster is clearly forming as short term and momentum cycles are deep in the lower reversal zone and the intermediate line is "close" to joining them. We could yet have a couple days of selling, so as a reminder, anticipating the turn is good for setting up position plays, BUT don't trade the upside until the bottom is validated.
Two days later, when the bottom formed, markets rallied from the April 20th low up through the June 16th intermediate peak. The S&P rose 7% and the Nasdaq rallied 9%.
But those numbers are at the low end of the profit cycle. Look at this next list of stocks which were also provided in the member's section:
With an approaching intermediate cycle "cluster" formation, a good number of stocks will dramatically outperform the markets. They are called "high beta" stocks, fast movers that should outperform the markets.. A search is posted in the Members section of the website. Not every stock is a home run, but as you'll see below, with only 3 losers out of 50, your odds of getting some great hits are very high!

The whole group of 50 stocks averaged 17% gains in just a couple of weeks - April 18th through June 2nd.
Imagine, if you had just a couple of these trades each year! Maybe you'd like to take the rest of the year off! (We don't recommend it since there will actually be 3-4 big moves like this each and every year - more if you are willing to play the downside as well).
For those who play options, the returns become multiples of what is shown above!
I love the FORECAST!!!
I trade the SMH almost exclusively. I initiated Long call option positions late (in mid. November '04) but still pocketed a 50% profit on a May '05 expiration-all this closed as the intermediate line topped on 11-12-04. I placed a Long Jan. put on SMH at that time, and followed it to the 30 DMA on Tuesday, 12-30-04 for a 30% profit. Because of your explanation on the FORECAST charts page, I was ready for the short term bounce you predicted the following day and placed a Jan. long call position on same. I am now sitting on another 30% profit in less than three days! That's a whopping 110% profit in less than a month playing options as you recommend,... By trading the short-term swings I have been able to magnify profits significantly, when I would have otherwise closed my positions and awaited re-entry. Thanks for the education and the FORECAST. My trading will never be the same.
Dr. Mark R.
Original Work
The Market Forecast is the original work of its author Stephen Swanson, and grew out of the research he developed for other industries. Futures traders persuaded Steve to adapt that technology to help find many of the subtle but repeating patterns of movement that exist in the markets. It seemed a strange request at the time, but the rest is as they say - history - spanning 25 years of research, development and actual use by traders.
Since then, Steve has taught these methods to thousands of investors across the globe for some of the worlds largest investment companies He continues to teach these remarkably easy to learn concepts here, everyday, to all who want to give up losing money from losing methods that everyone else keeps re-packaging and re-selling!
As you have no doubt discovered, the old "tried and true" methods of investing are still being tried, but they are not necessarily true. In fact, if "buy and hold" strategies were really the best way to profit in these markets, why would institutions - the biggest volume traders of all - move their money in and out of stocks and markets like clockwork. The truth is, they time their trades against you! They need unsuspecting buyers when they are ready to sell, and there is no question about it, retail investors are the perfect candidates.
The Market Forecast will keep you from falling into that trap! From today forward, you'll know in advance when institutional traders are making the switch, and you'll be one step ahead of them. Now, instead of their actions causing you to lose money, your profits will multiply as they continue add to positions of which you are already holding.
Watch Returns Skyrocket!
Whether you invest in Mutual Funds, Stocks, Options, ETF's, Indices - like the NDX, OEX, SOX or others, the Market Forecast will keep you on the right side of each trade and help you avoid serious investing mistakes. You'll confidently ignore all of the noise and confusing news that keeps bombarding you every day:
I just wanted to say thanks for your great service. For once in my life I am making money with the stock market. Before I started subscribing I was hit and miss on the market – mostly miss. In fact it had become so bad that I had given up. Now it has reversed, many more hits and significantly fewer misses. I am much more consistent making money no matter which way the market is going. Now I love to see quotes like I saw today on Yahoo Financial this afternoon.
"July 21, Stocks started the day with respectable gains, but then surrendered all of them - and then some - in a dramatic afternoon sell-off... From their highs (the opening) to their lows (the close), the Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P 500 gave up 180, 56, and 32 points respectively - the Nasdaq coming 9 points within its worst levels of the year... On the surface, today's plunge was a bit surprising considering the positive corporate announcements of last night and this morning. "
If I hadn’t had your service, I would have invested today expecting the market to go up based on Microsoft's positive announcements and yesterdays rally in the market. Instead I followed the advice in your commentary and the daily auto-signal and shorted QQQQ. It was a huge down day for the market, but I made a nice profit.
Following the charts really gives me the perspective for the long term trends also. For the past 2 weeks the intermediate signal has been pointing bearish. I have shorted the entire time as the NASDAQ has continued to slide. In two weeks I have made a nice 10% profit using the Rydex funds.
Thanks again…Craig Miller
It is almost be like seeing tomorrow's financial news today! Acting on that kind of information can pay off with huge profits. Institutional money knows where they are going to be putting money tomorrow, and so should you. They have a plan, and don't just arrive on the trading floor in the morning to "see what happens". Smart money knows that just following institutional trades isn't good enough. It's staying ahead of their moves that generates real profits.Want to Hit Some Home Runs?
You already know that when markets are rising, a majority of stocks are rising with it. It's the "rising tide lifts all boats" idea. What's remarkable though, is that every year, when markets take off more than 80%+ of stocks will participate. It's an incredible opportunity to profit. Even fundamentally weak stocks will be moving up in these times.
So ask yourself - in that kind of an bullish environment, how good do you have to be to pick a winning stock? How much research do you really need? The truth is: At these times, even a dart throwing stock picker can easily land on a bunch of winners.
And here's the best part - these big moves occur 3-4 times a year (in bull and bear markets), and produce returns in the 15-30% range each time! Best of all, they are predictable. Yes, predictable for those who know their cyclic behavior. They will begin suddenly at the time when most investors are still sitting on the sidelines completely discouraged.
Market Forecast users don't miss these moves. In the weeks prior to major market moves, our users see and are alerted to what we call "clusters" forming on the Forecast graphs. A cluster formation is a day when each of our cycle lines come together and together, start moving the same direction at the same time.
Within just days after these clusters form, and for at least the next several weeks, dramatic moves take place: 1000-1500 points on the Dow, 100-200 points on the S&P, and 200-500 points on the NASDAQ. Imagine what that will translate in terms of the gains for stocks in your portfolio!
For those who are with us, making money at these cluster points is a bit like playing the lottery when you know all the winning numbers.
In fact, some investors use this as their only strategy several times each year. They simply wait for "clusters" to form, invest for the next 3-4 weeks, and then take profits off the table to wait for the next one to begin.
Think about it. Imagine sitting in cash most of the year, playing the markets for about 3-5 weeks at a time, and earning 15-30% gains or much more (especially with leverage) on each play!Try The Market Forecast Right Now - You Have Nothing to Lose
Don't waste anymore time looking for needles in haystacks. Start earning easy profits by investing when the haystacks are full of golden needles. That's what it's like following the The Market Forecast.Register now so you can have access to all the money making information today. Just click on the JOIN NOW link to get started. It's only $59 (US) a month, or about the price of a few online trades. If you're still not sure, then try the $1 trial instead.
Why not make your trades seriously more profitable from now on by having access to The Market Forecast!
And don't worry, you can cancel your subscription at any time.
GUARANTEE: If for any reason, you would like to cancel your subscription to our service, you can do so directly online in our MEMBERS area by clicking on "cancel subscription." NO future billing will occur.
PRIVACY POLICY: For your peace of mind, all confidential information is processed through our secure billing partner PAYPAL. We will never even see your credit card and have NO access to it.. We like that, and so should you.. Also, your personal information is never shared or sold to any other service or individuals.
Take a moment and check out a some previous entry/exit signals under the EXAMPLES or Six Keys pages. You'll see some of the dramatic investing opportunities that generated significant profits in just days! Better yet, why not subscribe now and start getting tomorrows forecast today.You won't be disappointed. And you won't want to miss another chance to cherry pick profits in every kind of market right now!
Click the JOIN NOW link now so you can get personal access to this amazing forecast tool

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