السبت، 12 أبريل 2008

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The 11 Tips For Choosing The Best Online Survey Sites
Submitted By: Alexis Jamison

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Choosing the right site for taking surveys or Get Paid To (GPT) site is vital to your money making success. Choose the wrong one and you will be wasting your times and efforts. Choose the right one and you can make some extra money performing some really simple tasks. GPT sites are a fantastic way to earn cash money completing offers. You also get paid to refer others to GPT sites. However to benefit from GPT sites, you have to only deal with legitimate websites. An example would be one such as the long standing makethatdollar.com. Below, are 10 things to consider when choosing a Get Paid To site.
1. Reputation:
Consider thereputation of the site that you are signing up with. Google them or visit relevant forums and ask around. Other people will be able to alert you about non-paying or shady companies.
2. Professionalism:
Take a close look at the site. Does it look like something that someone just threw together? Choose to work with sites that look professional and that are well maintained. If the owner can't afford a decent looking site, they might not be able to afford to pay you.
3. Low Minimum Payouts:
When considering a Get Paid To site, the last thing that you want is to have to earn a ton of money, before you get paid. If you do, you might never see your first check and will subsequently get frustrated and give up.
4. History of On Time Payments:
If possible, ask someone who has worked with a particular company if they have had any problems getting paid. If so, then move on, you don't want to work for free. Also, look around the website, if you see several notices attempting to explain away late or non-payment, then you will want to skip that GPT site.
5. Recommendations:
Getting a good recommendation is the absolute best way to find a good GPT site. An experienced user of a particular website can give you insights on the reliability of payments and other important attributes.
6. Testing:
If you are unsure if a company is legitimate and you have some extra time on your hands give it a trial run. Fill out some offers and see if your account is debited and finally, if you receive payment.
7. Customer Service/Support:
One way that you can sort of test the reliability of a company is to see if they provide good customer service and support. Give them a call or shoot them an email and see how fast it takes for them to respond.
8. Number of Offers:
The GPT sites that can be really lucrative are those that have a lot of offers. Take a good look at how many offers a particular site has.
9. Offers Available In Your Country:
It does no good if a particular company has a lot of offers but none available in your country. See if there a good number of offers for your country before signing up with a particular company.
10. Actual Payments Made:
Take a close look at the figure that the website gives for actual payments made. This will give you some idea if people are making any money.
11. Length of Time Online
Try to choose a site that has been around at least 6-12 months. This will help remove the fly by night operations.
These are 11 simple considerations that you should make when checking out Survey sites sites. It would be incredibly frustrating to waste your precious time and effort in filling out surveys or reading emails and you are not properly compensated for it. So take a close look at the listings above and consider them before you make a choice regarding GPT companies. GPT sites can help you earn cash money simply completing offers. You also get paid to refer others. To be sure that your time is well spent, expend the time early on to determine which sties are legitimates and which sites are simply a waste of time.
About the Author
Alexis Jamison is the Marketing and Communications Director for SkinZee, the leading low cost web design firm for new and pre-designed templates. MakeThatDollar.com The Highest Paying Survey Site We've Seen. SkinZee.com Good. Fast and Cheap Web design and Templates. OnlineStruggle.com A No B.S. Guide to Making Money Online.
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